Top Ramen's Smarter, Better-Looking Older Brother

Madeline Nutrition — Top Ramen's Smarter, Better-Looking Older Brother

Here's a fun fact: I ate more Top Ramen as a pre-adolescent girl than the average fraternity member consumes in their first year of undergrad. My family called them "big noodles" when I was growing up. They were somewhat of a staple in my childhood pantry. Clearly some things have changed in my life. The most obvious being that I no longer compare my diet to a frat house. Secondly, I'm all about the whole foods now—and things that don't come in packages with too many scary ingredients to count.

But when I need a quick meal in a pinch, I'm often tempted to fall back into the easy arms of Mr. Ramen. So instead, I started hanging out with his older, smarter, sexier brother. And he's been real good to me so far. Healthy relationships are just the best.

Madeline Nutrition — Top Ramen's Smarter, Better-Looking Older Brother

Rice Noodles in a Sweet Ginger Scallion Sauce

Rice noodles, cooked al dente – 8oz.
Sesame seeds – 2 T
Cucumber thinly sliced

For the Sweet Ginger Scallion Sauce:

Scallions (green onions) – ½ C chopped
Ginger – 2 Tbs. grated (OR I started using this and am mildly obsessed. True ginger in its most convenient form—and organic.)
Cilantro – ¼ C
Sesame oil (or other neutral oil) – 2 Tbs.
Rice vinegar – 2 Tbs.
Tamari sauce – 1 Tbs (Tamari is a wheat/gluten-free soy sauce alternative. If you're avoiding soy, try using coconut aminos.)
Honey – 1 Tbs.
Lime juice – 1 Tbs.
Chili powder – 2 tsp.
Salt & Pepper to taste

Combine well, mix and enjoy this healthier, whole food take on an embarrassing comfort food from my past.

Madeline Nutrition — Top Ramen's Smarter, Better-Looking Older Brother