Sleep Tips & Remedies for Pregnancy Insomnia

Sleep Tips & Remedies for Pregnancy Insomnia
Sleep Tips & Remedies for Pregnancy Insomnia

Almost nothing is worse than feeling exhausted and tired, yet NOT being able to sleep at night.

If you’re dealing with restless sleep and insomnia, try these pregnancy-safe solutions.

Are you sipping calming tea like chamomile in the evening?
Staying moderately active during the day?
Having a bedtime snack to keep your liver and blood sugar happy overnight?
Doing some relaxing yoga stretches to wind down at night?
Taking deep breaths of lavender essential oil?
Bathing in Epsom salts before bed?
Listening to beautiful mama meditations like Expectful regularly?

If you’re already doing those things, then perhaps it’s time to take it to the…

Try blue light glasses as soon as the 🌞 goes down.

BUY THE DANG PREGNANCY PILLOW! They look ridiculous and your partner will hate it, but we think it’s well worth it.

Get Needed’s Sleep + Relaxation Support ASAP! It’s one of the only (and best) pregnancy-safe sleep aid blends, and we just love it. L-theanine, chamomile…zzzzzzz.

Take extra vitamin D and magnesium—both linked to better sleep. Many of my clients need to take over 5,000 IU of D2 (mixed with K2) a day when pregnant. Get tested if you want to supplement more specific to your needs. And Natural Vitality makes the ever-popular CALM magnesium powder to sip before bed.

Take 1-2 ounces of tart cherry juice a day. It has a low-glycemic profile as far as juices go and plenty of antioxidants, plus the highest amount of natural melatonin out of any food.

The homeopathic remedies Aconitum Napellus or Coffea Crudum by Boiron can also bring relief for restless wake-ups in the middle of the night.

Bach Rescue Pearls are an excellent flower remedy (alcohol-free!), which can be used to gently combat stress and tension. Keep in your bedside table for those unwanted 3am wake-ups.